Open the realm of possibilities
The LIEBOT Group has founded the LIEBOT Academy, a range of initiatives that enable people to grow and increase their level of understanding. Open to both our employees and all members of our ecosystem (hauliers, suppliers, customers, etc.), it offers, for example, installation training or access to training in order to progress from operator to supervisor, then manager. Among these initiatives, MéO has also just opened a new installation school: MéO Form.
Share our world
K•LINE and WIBAIE offer factory tours to engineering schools and local colleges, such as Lycée Jean Monnet, Polytech Angers and Lycée Renaudeau. Through its Ecl’or programme, MéO sponsors colleges and offers young people the chance to discover the world of business to identify career paths. All these special moments of sharing are opportunities to discuss our businesses, promote our know-how and attract new generations to our workplace.
Develop talent
Each year, PaX offers between 8 and 12 apprenticeships at its various factories. Whether in the service or industrial trade, there are 25 block release trainees learning a trade on site all year round, with three days on site and two at school, or three weeks on site and one week at school, for two to four years.